Filter offers a quick and easy way to find objects with certain statistical values. After object creation, you can click on Filter tab to access this function. Click ‘Add’, and under Filter Type, select the statistical value that you’d like to use. In this example, I will use Position X for easier visualization. To select Spots between Position X equals to 200 and 300 um, we need to activate both upper and lower threshold. We can then change the range by either directly type in the value, or left click to change the lower threshold, and right click to change the upper threshold.
We can also add additional filters. Let’s add another one for Position Y, and set the range between 200 and 300 um as well.
These highlighted objects can be duplicated. Alternatively, we can also store this selection using Labels. Click on ‘Edit Labels’ tab, let’s create a new Set with 2 Classes. One for the spots on the left, and one for the spots on the right. Go back to the Filter tab, use Position X to highlight all Spots with position X smaller than 100 um, and assign them as Class Left. Then let’s assign all Spots with position X higher than 400 um as Class Right.
With the Label assignment, you can easily access the number of objects per class from the statistics tab.
For a timelapse dataset with tracked objects, please keep in mind that whether we use Object Selection or Full Track Selection can affect the filtered result. In this example, I set the Filter based on Position X. While we set the upper threshold at 20 um, we can clearly see that some objects X position is above 20 um. This is because when using Track Selection, Imaris will highlight all tracks that contain at least one object that match the filter criteria. Changing to Object Selection allows you to select only the object that fits the filter criteria, as shown here.
Date: Feb-21
Author: Chi-Li Chiu
Category: Tutorial