Performs a Distance Transformation Inside a Surface Object and saves the processed data, to be used only in conjunction with XTBatchProcess. Installation and Use: 1) Create a new Folder for “batchable” XTensions a. c:/Program Files/Bitplane/BatchXTensions b. This folder can be made anywhere, but should be in public folder 2) Download XTBatchProcess.m to this folder 3) Download XTDistanceTransformInsideObjectForBatch.m to this folder 4) Start Imaris and Click menu tab FIJI>>OPTIONS a. Add the BatchXTensions folder to the XTension folder window b. This is necessary for the batch process option to appear in Imaris menu NOTE: This XTension will NOT appear in the Imaris menus, and will only appear in conjunction with the running of XTBatchProcess. NOTE: This XTension is developed for working on Windows based machines only. If you want to use it on MacOS, you will have to edit the .m file save location to fit Mac standards. Description: This XTension is identical to Distance Transform XTension that is built into Imaris. The code was only modified to work with XTBatchProcess and save a processed result. This XTension will create and compute a new channel, where the voxel intensity indicates the shortest distance outside of a Surface object, or from the center of a Spots object. • This XTension will convert the dataset to 32 bit float type • This XTension will process on first Spot or Surface object in the Surpass scene. • This batched version will also save a new .IMS file of the processed image in c:/Bitplane/BatchOutput. If this folder does not exist, one will be generated. If you wish to change the location of this file please edit Line 209: o vNewFileName = fullfile('c:/BitplaneBatchOutput', [vName, vExt]);
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