Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Filament Analysis

This XTension will do several things: 1)Place spots at each point along the filament, allowing for visualizing and measuring the instensity along the dendrites 2)Find synaptic bouton(varicosities) along dendrite segments, place a spot at that point. 3)Place spots at each of the following places: beginning point, dendrite branch, dendrite terminal point, Spine Attachment point Spine terminal point 4)Generate a duplicate of the filament object with NEW statistics Dendrite mean intensity (for each channel) Spine intensity (not just the spine head, the whole spine) Bouton(varicosity) number per dendrite segment Bouton density Spot Detection within a certain distance of filament Spot Density

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Date: Sep 2015

Author: Matthew Gastinger

Category: File XTension
