This Xtension calculates the contact events between: 1)Two different surface objects or 2) Spots object and a surface object. It is calculated by one of 2 methods. 1)Using the a Distance Transformation outside of the target surface object, the closest surface to surface distance is determine of tracked object. Based on user-selected threshold to define a contact event the various new statistics will be generated. This method is typically faster and the the added option to chose contact event that are not necessarily overlapping. 2)Using a surface mask for the target and the tracked surfaces, the region of surface overlap is determined for each surface object. In order to be defined as a contact event the surface must have at least one overlapping voxel in each mask. Using the method, the process may be slower for large number of surfaces and long time lapses. However, you will have the added statistics that will provide the Volume of overlap at each timepoint for each surface. This XTension was written for Imaris 8.2.0 using Matlab 2015a. No extra Matlab modules are required. However, running this XTension on previous Imaris version may result in errors.
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