This XT generate a punlished level of Imaris ColorBar according to the currently customized color range and gamma parameter. (1) choose a channel, e.g. 0 (2) input the range of crop you want to show, e.g. [1,23143] or [343,33112]. (3) input how many tick to insert evenly into that cropped region, e.g 5 or 8. If to customize the tick later, input 0 (4)if last input is 0, then customize the tick you want to add, e,g [20,100.500,1000,2000,5000,10000,20000] There is no worry that the above inputs may go out of range or not match well with each other, you just go wild and input WTF you want to input. All error will be resonably ignored according to the inputs.
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